Open Academy

Database Course


MySQL Course

Part – I


          Course Introduction
          Why MySQL?
          DBA vs Developer Course

Part – II

MySQL Storage Engines

       Storage Engines
       FEDERATED Storage Engine
       MEMORY Storage Engine
       BLACKHOLE Storage Engine
       CSV Storage Engine
       MyISAM Storage Engine
       ARCHIVE Storage Engine

Part – III

MySQL Backup & Restore
        MySQL Backups
        Physical/Cold Backup
        Files needed for Cold Backup
        Logical Backups
        MySQLDUMP Backup Program
        Restoring from MySQLDUMP
        MySQLPUMP Backup Program
        Compressing MySQL Backups
        Creating Consistent Data Dump
        CREATE TABLE LIKE SQL Statement
        MySQL Hot Backup
        MySQL Hot Backup Tools
        XtraBackup Hot Backup Tool
        Preparing Hot Backup Restore

PostgreSQL Course

Part – I


         PostgreSQL Introduction

Installing PostgreSQL v15 on Windows and Linux

         PostgreSQL System Requirement
         Installing PostgreSQL v15 on Windows
         Setup PostgreSQL Environment Variable on Windows
         Installing PostgreSQL v15 on Linux
         Setup PostgreSQL Environment Variable on Linux

Part – II

Maintenance in PostgreSQL

          Introduction to Maintenance
          How to Calculate Query Cost and Explain Plan
          Updating Planner Statistics\Analyze
          Vacuum Freeze
          Data Fragmentation
          Introduction to Vacuum and Vacuum Full


MongoDB Course

Part – I


         What is MongoDB
         Why should we learn MongoDB
          important Features of MongoDB

Part – II

Server Administration

         Starting Mongod Server with command line options
         Binding Mongod Server to an IP address
         Starting mongodb using a configuration file

Cassandra Course

Introduction: Cassandra as a distributed, decentralized, columnar store

            A Column-Oriented Database
            Requirements For A Product Catalog System
            What Is Cassandra?
            Cassandra Vs HBase

Redis Course

Part – I


              Course Introduction
              Introduction To Redis

Getting Started

               Installing Redis on Windows
               Installing Redis on Linux
               Starting and Shutting Down Redis Server
               Getting Server Information
               The Redis CLI

Part – II

Designing Databases in Redis

                From a RDBMS Table to Redis Data Structure
                From multi primary keys to Redis Structure

Redis Protocol

                 Introduction to Redis Protocol
                 Turning strings into Redis Protocol Specifications
                 Generating Redis Protocol commands using python

Part – III


                 Introduction to RediSearch
                 Using RediSearch on Movies Database
                 Adding sample movies data via hashes
                 Creating an index
                 Query data with RediSearch
                 fuzzy logic and search by value
                 Value range searches

Elasticsearch Course


          Introduction to Elasticsearch
          Understanding of the Elastic Stack

Getting Started

           Overview of installation options
           Setting up Elasticsearch & Kibana on Linux
           Setting up Elasticsearch & Kibana on Windows
           Understanding the basic architecture

Vector Course


             Introduction to Vector Database
             Vectors and Embeddings
             Explain vector database like I’m 5
             How vector database store data
             How do vector database works?
             Vectors in 2D

Server Course

Linux Administration

Part – I

              Course Overview

Installing and Connecting to a Linux System

               Linux Distributions
               Installing Linux using WSL on Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
               Installing VirtualBox on Windows
               When to Install Linux from Scratch or Manually
               Logging In Directly to a Linux System

Part – II

Disk Management

               Creating Partitions with fdisk
                File Systems

LVM – The Logical Volume Manager

                Introduction to the Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
                Creating Physical Volumes (PVs), Volume Groups (VGs), and Logical Volumes (LVs)
                Extending Volume Groups and Logical Volumes
                Mirroring Logical Volumes
                Removing Logical Volumes, Physical Volumes, and Volume Groups
                Migrating Data from One Storage Device to Another

Network Course


Part – I

              Course Introduction

Understanding, Implementing, and Troubleshooting IPv4

         What is an IPv4 Address
         What is a MAC Address
         Understanding ARP
         OSI Model

Part – II

Understanding Active Directory Domain Services and DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

         Understanding  Active Directory
         Introduction to DHCP
         How DHCP Works
         Benefits of using DHCP
         How DHCP Lease Generation Works
         How DHCP Lease Renewal Works

Storage Technology

Storage Course


          Introduction to Storage Concepts
          Types of Storage and Terminologies
          RAID Concepts
          Backup Fundamentals
          Storage Protocols